Published on February 29, 2024

SAML 2.0 Authentication

SAML stands for security assertion markup language. It is a widely used open standard for authentication and authourization between different parties. The advantages of adopting SAML/SSO include single source of identity and enable consistent authentication across services. Centralizing authentication simplifies granting and revoking access across different services. The parties involved in the SAML authentication flow include the principal, the service provider (SP), and the identity provider (IdP). The principal is the user trying to authenticate and tends to have metadata associated to them. Service providers are the services requesting authentication and identity information about the principal. Lastly, identity providers serve as the source of identity information and authentication decision. The relationship between the three can be thought of as IdP authenticates principals and returns identity information to SP. Before authentication can happen, both SP and IdP need to coordinate and exchange setup information. IdP will need to provide the SSO endpoint and public key to the SP for identity decryption upon successful authentication. In exchange, the SP will need to provide IdP an assertion consumer service (ACS) URL. The ACS URL is where the IdP will POST the SAML assertion to along with redirecting the principal to a defined target resource after authentication. The SAML authentication flow starts with the user (the principal) clicking on an "Continue with SSO" button on the SP's landing page. The SP will create and serialize an XML document known as the AuthnRequest, and appends to the IdP SSO endpoint as query parameter before redirecting the principal to the IdP SSO endpoint. The principal will then enter their credentials for authentication. Upon successful authentication, the IdP encrypts the principal's identity information with its private key. It then redirects the principal back to the ACS URL, passing along the encrypted identity information as part of a SAML payload. The SP will receive and decrypt the payload using the corresponding public key before processing the SAML by creating or configuring user session based on SAML. Sequence Diagram saml-flow-sequence-diagram

AuthenticationIdentity ProviderPrincipalSAMLService ProviderSSOTechUser Authentication